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B.Sc. Dietetics (NWU) MB.Ch.B. (UP) Cert IFMCP (IFM, WA, USA) MS HNFM (UWS, Oregon, USA)
Autoimmune disease – The recovery plan

Multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease), diabetes, hypothyroidism, psoriasis, ankylosis spondylitis, autism, celiac disease and CREST syndrome are all auto-immune diseases. The immune system recovery program is used to treat auto-immune conditions and to reverse symptoms, heal the immune system and prevent future illness.
The program aim to:
• Identify possible causes, i.e. toxins, infections, allergens, poor diet, stress, etc.
• Utilize food as medicine.
• Address stress management.
• Heal the gut and digestive system.
• Support the liver for optimal detoxification.
Food Allergy
Functional allergy
Food Allergy and Food Intolerance testing

Food allergy testing can be done at the local pathology laboratories. Due to cost, it is important to identify the specific food types to be tested.
Food Intolerance testing can also be done via a blood test, although it is very costly. It is possible to identify specific food intolerance without doing special laboratory tests, but via a special elimination process and re-introduction.
Functional medicine and Nutritional Services

Functional medicine (FM) is an emerging new speciality within the field of nutrition. The aim of FM is to determine and to treat the root cause of diseases and then look at the foundational way that food affects your body on cellular level.
Food contains millions of molecules of information in every bite of food that you eat. These molecules consumed effect how your cells behave and how you feel. For example, some nutrients can affect your endocrine (hormonal) system or can help to detoxify you liver or alter your immune system, give you sustained energy and support your general well-being.
FM heals through a patient-centered approach by assessing you lifestyle, genetic make-up, external and internal environments. An individualized treatment plan will be designed to restore and maintain your optimal health. Other nutrition services will include therapy for diabetes, IBS (spastic colon), overweight and obesity, chronic fatigue and autism.
Gastrointestinal evaluation

Arthritis, allergies, asthma, acne, restless leg syndrome and migraines have all been connected to digestive imbalances. Gastrointestinal disease can be tested via gastroscopy, colonoscopy, stool tests and breath tests.
Stool tests can reveal an imbalance of gut microflora, digestive problems (digestive enzyme deficiencies), parasite infestation, absorption problems, inflammation and metabolic functions. The gastro breath monitor is a method to measure accurate and real-time CH4 (methane), H2 (hydrogen) and O2 (oxygen).
Hydrogen and methane are produced by bacterial action in the intestines on carbohydrates. It is used to indicate the following disorders:
• Carbohydrate breakdown deficiency.
• Lactose intolerance.
• Bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).
• Carbohydrate malabsorption.
• Determination of time passage through the gut.
Traditional gp medical service
Hormonal endocrine assessment

Thyroid function:
The conditions of either hypo- or hyperthyroidism are often related to altered thyroid hormone sensitivity and cellular response. Typical symptoms of low thyroid function include low energy, cold hand and feet, muscle pain, hypercholesterolemia, depression, fatigue and cognitive deficits. Laboratory thyroid screening can include TSH, fT4, fT3, thyroid antibodies and Reverse T3. Beyond the production of T4 and its conversion to T3 is the transport of the hormone and its ultimate activity as a transcription activator at the cell core receptor site. Resistance to this process can result in what is called “thyroid resistance”.
Adrenal function:
Physical and/or psychosocial stress have an impact on the hypothalamus/pituitary/adrenal (HPA) axis. Chronic, unremitting stress results in loss of adrenal gland reserve related to the reduced production of stress hormones like cortisol, adrenaline, aldosterone, and DHEA. DHEA has an impact on estrogen and testosterone production.
Sex hormones:
The role of hormone replacement therapy is to replace of re-balance (a much more complicated prospect) missing or under produced hormones. Various hormones interact with each other. It is thus important to understand whether a hormone is missing or is low because it is compensating for another hormone that is elevated or decreased. When family history suggests a genetic pattern of disease, such as ovarian or breast cancer, genetic testing can be both explanatory and helpful in creating the therapeutic interventions that address manipulation of hormone levels (dietary modifications and nutraceutical supplementation).
Traditional GP medical services

GP works involves primary and continuing medical care for patients in the community. Patients may be referred to hospitals for further specialist assessment and possibly treatment.
Typical work activities include:
• Responding to medical/health problems presented by patients including history taking, diagnosis, investigation, treatment and referral as appropriate.
• Maintaining confidentiality and impartiality.
• Commissioning healthcare by liaising with medical professionals in the community and hospitals.
• Promoting health education in conjunction with other health professionals.
• Organizing preventative medical programs for individual patients.
• Discussing the development of new pharmaceutical products with pharmaceutical sales representatives.
• Keeping up to date with medical developments, new drugs, treatments and medications, including complementary medicine.
• Maintaining a portfolio of continuing professional development (CPD) activities.
Weight Loss
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